Q&A: Why are beautiful women so danged attracted to me?!
Here’s a question from a subscriber who is inundated with beautiful women on Substack! The same problem happens on Bluesky, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Good problem to have? Don’t you believe it!
The content you are trying to access is only available to members.I look forward to your posts, notes, and podcasts. You’re a treasure trove of common sense advice for new Substackers like me. Here’s a question perhaps you could answer: Every week, I receive at least a half-dozen message requests from gorgeous women who are either new stackers or have a low-activity account. The messages are usually something like, “Hey! How are you doing?” Google searches on their images often reveal them to be stock photos. A few of these probably phony accounts do subscribe, so it’s isn’t entirely a one-way street. I’m sure lots of your other subscribers would appreciate your inisghts on this. I wonder if female stackers get solicited by hot guys? 🙂