ComicLab Ep 338 — It’s Friday — am I famous yet?

After six weeks of working on their comic, a listener asks how soon they can expect to make a living doing this — and gets an earful from Brad and Dave.  Plus, Brad and Dave share more of their picks […] ↓ Read the rest of this article...

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Estimated taxes are due Monday

Just a handy reminder: If you pay estimated income taxes, your second-quarter payment is due on June 17.

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The vertical-scroll eBook

I’ve advocated converting your comics into a panel-by-panel scroll for smartphone users for a while. I think it’s a good reading experience for Instagram, and I think it’s a good use of the multi-image post feature on Patreon. If you’ve […] ↓ Read the rest of this article...

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Two things every longform comic update needs

If you’re writing a longform comic, you know the challenge all too well. You’re telling a continuous story, but many of your readers are coming in at the middle. Every day, someone is reading your comic for the first time, […] ↓ Read the rest of this article...

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ComicLab Ep 339 — They can’t all be winners

How much of your work would you consider “top tier?” Fifty percent? Twenty percent? And speaking of the top tier, Brad and Dave also talk about the benefits of posting comics panel by panel. Next, they share their lists of […] ↓ Read the rest of this article...

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One concept: Focusing your writing

A comic strip has three or four panels in which to deliver its punchline. That’s not a lot of space. In fact, many novice comic strip writers stumble because they’re trying to do too many things in the limited time […] ↓ Read the rest of this article...

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How to build an audience on Substack

Out of all the social media newcomers, Substack has shown the most promise. It’s an email newsletter delivery system with social media and subscription features. But like every platform, it has its own norms, quirks, and community expectations. So, let’s […] ↓ Read the rest of this article...

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